Get involved


Long Eaton Carnival is entirely organised by volunteers from within the community. We’re always looking for additional hands and helpers, acts, businesses and organisations who might want to be involved on the day and in the lead up to it. So here’s how you can get involved:


The Grand Parade is undoubtedly the highlight of the Carnival Day, the people of Long Eaton take over the streets in a colourful parade and it’s fun and easy to get involved:

As a Walking Party

The simplest way is to dress up and join in, you don’t need to have a lorry or a fancy car, let shank’s pony (or even an actual pony!) take the strain; as an alternative – if there is a group of you, why not decorate bicycles or scooters and ride along the route?

Commercial vehicles

Commercial vehicles promoting a business will be asked to provide a donation to the carnival fund; if you’re promoting a business in the parade, the best way to get yourself noticed is through excellent decoration – just showing up in your work-a-day livery with a couple of balloons might do more harm than good to your business’ reputation – we’ve heard the feedback!

In a decorated car, vintage car or another unusual vehicle

Motor cars and vans supporting a group of walkers are permitted in the parade but should be decorated in a Carnival theme. Classic or vintage cars, tractors, fire engines and tanks are also welcome to take part.

Floats and lorries

The biggest and most challenging way to enter the parade, but can produce the most striking results is to decorate an HGV and trailer or a flat back lorry.

Several local hauliers are ‘carnival friendly’ and may be able to help, however, you should remember that they are under no obligation to do so and clearly their commercial interests should come first. A gift for the driver on the day and a letter of thanks to the firm supplying the vehicle will stand you in good stead for future years.

Health & Safety

Participants in the Grand Parade will be asked to make a risk assessment, the complexity of which will depend on the nature of the involvement in the parade. For walking parties, it is a relatively simple undertaking to ensure that the people in the group can be controlled and have sufficient drinks available etc. There are additional risks to persons travelling on vehicles in a way that is different for their normal use – for example riding on a trailer or on the back of a lorry; however, these risks are easily mitigated with a few simple rules. Help and guidance are available on the Carnival website and from the Road Parade management team.


The Carnival Association is unable to provide any insurance for vehicles taking part in the Grand Parade. The keeper of the vehicle should advise their insurer that they are taking part in a Carnival Parade and be prepared to give any details should the need arise.

Parade Awards

Although it’s the taking part that counts, each year there are awards for the best themed entries. The awards are “Best Float – Children”, “Best Float – Adults”, “Best Walking Party” and the Martin Barrat Trophy for “Best on Parade”.

Colourful decoration and costumes are the main judging points and some reference to the theme which this year is ‘That’s entertainment’. We hear that the judges are particularly fond of bunting and wheel trimmings, but you can let your imagination go wild as points are also awarded for creativity and originality.

Want to take part in the parade?

Download the form soon.

Entertain Us

We’re always on the lookout for acts to compliment our busy arenas where musicians, choirs, dancers and gymnasts perform throughout Carnival Day.

We also have some great static displays including boat and fun fair models and classic vehicles.

Please get in touch if you’d like to perform or you want to let us know about an act or display you’ve seen that you think visitors to Long Eaton Carnival would like.

Do you want to entertain us?

Download your form soon.


Many local organisations have stalls on the Carnival Showground on West Park, and with around 5,000 members of the public visiting the Showground, it’s a great way to do some fundraising or promote what you do.

Both indoor and outdoor pitches are available and special rates apply for not-for-profit and charitable organisations. There’s even an early bird discount if you book by 21st April.

Want to have a stall at the event?

Download the form soon.


Making the Carnival Community! As with many community organisations, it’s the people that make it work and Long Eaton Carnival is no different. Planning takes place throughout the year for the Carnival Weekend which takes place in June. We have a team of around ten who meet once a month in Long Eaton and undertake most of the core planning. Then over the weekend of the Carnival, we get help from our wider team of volunteers.

Three Superheroes.

What do we do?

Essentially, the Carnival committee is a team of volunteers who put all the arrangements in place for the Carnival Parade and the Carnival Show so that local groups, businesses and individuals can come together and take part. Things like hiring equipment, liaising with local government and emergency services, booking entertainment, fundraising, advertising and promotion all have to come together to make the Carnival happen.

How can you help?

As they say, many hands make light work and with the Carnival being one of the biggest free events in the area, the more hands the better.

Help with planning.

This takes place throughout the year and there are always plenty of opportunities to help to make the Carnival a success.

  • Marketing and PR – help to raise awareness of the Carnival via social and traditional media.
  • Admin – help with enquiries for the parade and showground bookings or do some bookkeeping.
  • Health and Safety – help to ensure that the Carnival runs smoothly without incident.
  • Site layout – it’s a big empty field that needs tents, toilets and a bar!
  • Fundraising – enjoy sitting in a bath full of custard at the weekend? This could be the role for you!

These are just a few ideas, but you might have some of your own; have you got some skills that you think you could bring to the group?

Help on Carnival Weekend.

Following all the hard work planning, we then run the Carnival. Usually, this starts on the Thursday before the Carnival and finishes on the following Monday.

  • Stewarding – Help with looking after members of the public on both the Grand Parade and on the Showground on West Park
  • Site Wrangling – Putting up tents, setting up tables, marking out arenas and being generally helpful.

What’s in it for me?

Make new friends and expand your personal network
Gain new skills or experience for your professional aspirations
Share your existing skills and knowledge with others
Make a real difference to your community
Have fun!

Want to find out more about volunteering with us?

Click the button to contact us